Q&A with Long-Term Mesothelioma Survivors

In the webinar, mesothelioma survivors Ron Green, Tamron Little and Emily Ward shared their cancer journeys with fellow mesothelioma patients and loved ones. They also answered questions in the exclusive open forum webinar. These three cancer warriors shared their stories of survival in the face of mesothelioma and shined a light on how they overcame their unique challenges.

In the webinar, mesothelioma survivors Ron Green, Tamron Little and Emily Ward shared their cancer journeys with fellow mesothelioma patients and loved ones. They also answered questions in the exclusive open forum webinar.

  • Mesothelioma survivor Ron Green with his youngest daughter
    Ron Green
    Pleural Mesothelioma Survivor
  • Tamron Little, mesothelioma survivor and Asbestos.com expert contributor
    Tamron Little
    Mesothelioma Survivor and Writer
  • Karen Selby, RN, patient advocate for the Mesothelioma Center
    Karen Selby, RN
    Registered Nurse and Board Certified Patient Advocate
  • Emily Ward, pleural mesothelioma survivor
    Emily Ward
    Cancer Advocate & Long-Time Mesothelioma Survivor

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Questions & Answers for Our Mesothelioma Survivors

Ron Green, Tamron Little and Emily Ward have walked in your shoes and know what it means to be a cancer survivor. They are eager to share their experiences and will take questions from mesothelioma patients and their loved ones. Our registered nurse and Patient Advocate Karen Selby will moderate the forum. Possible questions include:
  • How were you exposed to asbestos?
  • What treatments worked best for you?
  • How did you find a mesothelioma specialist?
  • What’s your secret to survival?
  • How did you beat your prognosis?

  • Mesothelioma survivor Ron Green with his youngest daughter
    Ron Green
    Ron Green is a pleural mesothelioma survivor. He was diagnosed in 2016, and he credits great medical care, his Christian faith and good luck for his survivor. He also is an accomplished golfer. Although originally from Canada, Ron now lives in sunny Naples, Florida.
  • Tamron Little, mesothelioma survivor and Asbestos.com expert contributor
    Tamron Little
    Tamron Little was diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma in 2007. She was just 21. After more than a decade of surviving with mesothelioma, Tamron is sharing her experiences to support people recently diagnosed with this asbestos-related cancer. Tamron lives near Charlotte, North Carolina.
  • Karen Selby, RN, patient advocate for the Mesothelioma Center
    Karen Selby, RN
    Registered nurse Karen Selby has decades of experience in thoracic surgery and has assisted doctors in lung resections, lung transplants and other complicated lung-related surgeries. As a Patient Advocate, Karen guides mesothelioma patients and their caregivers every day.
  • Emily Ward, pleural mesothelioma survivor
    Emily Ward
    Emily Ward was a registered nurse for 43 years, and she lived with pleural mesothelioma for a decade. She wrote about her experience battling the disease and how her outlook on life changed with her diagnosis in 2012. Emily lived in Cornish, a small town in southern Maine. She died in May 2022.
Disclaimer: Nothing you hear in this session should be taken as medical advice. Always consult with your doctor before making any changes. Attending this webinar will not create a doctor-patient relationship. We are not a treatment facility. For specific medical inquiries, we encourage you to consult with a doctor specializing in mesothelioma or lung cancer.

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