Most Americans Support Improving Veteran Health Care but Not Raising Taxes to Pay for It
Written by Aaron Munz | Edited By Walter Pacheco

VA health care facilities provide an excellent level of care. According to RAND assessments conducted under the Veterans Choice Act, VA health care was rated higher quality on many measures compared to civilian facilities, particularly for outpatient care.
However, many veterans are missing out on VA care. The RAND assessments also reported that fewer than half of eligible veterans use VA health benefits. Those who did use VA benefits relied on them mostly for prescription drugs and inpatient services, receiving over half of their health care from a secondary source such as private insurance.
The benefits of VA health care make it indispensable for the well-being of millions of veterans. However, many Americans believe there is room for improvement. We surveyed 3,000 Americans and asked them how they felt about the current state of veterans health care, if it should be paid for, and if they support raising taxes to fund veterans health care initiatives.
79% of Americans Agree U.S. Veterans Need Better Health Care Options
Most Americans believe the current state of veterans health care could use improvement. When asked “How do you agree or disagree with the following statement: ‘U.S. veterans need better health care options,’” 79% of respondents chose “agree” or “strongly agree.”

Additionally, there was a slight correlation between age and tendency to agree. Seventy-one percent of respondents aged 18–34 agreed, but that number jumped to 85% among the 55 and older group.
81% of Americans Believe All Veterans Health Care Should Be Paid For
Drugs and biologic agents used for cancer treatment can cost more than $10,000 a month, according to the National Cancer Institute. If a veteran doesn’t have adequate coverage, this can be a devastating financial blow.
When asked “Do you think all veterans health care should be paid for?” 81% of respondents chose “yes.” Women believed this slightly more than men. Seventy-seven percent of men responded “yes,” compared to 85% of women.

Only 2 in 10 Americans Support Raising Taxes for Veterans Health Care
While the majority of Americans favor improving veterans health care and making it paid for, most don’t favor raising taxes to accomplish this or prefer not disclosing their opinion, according to our survey.
According to the Office of Management and Budget, 8% of federal tax dollars were designated for veterans benefits and services as well as retirement and disability benefits for federal employees in 2017. This was more than what was allocated for education (3%), transportation infrastructure (2%), and scientific and medical research (2%) combined.

Veterans and Mesothelioma
Asbestos was widely used in military buildings and equipment until the 1980s when it was phased out due to its carcinogenic effects. Many veterans were exposed to asbestos during their service, making them particularly vulnerable to mesothelioma — commonly referred to as “asbestos cancer.”
Because symptoms can take 20–50 years to appear, military personnel may be diagnosed decades after their service. Today, veterans file nearly 30% of all mesothelioma lawsuits in the U.S.

The VA provides veterans diagnosed with mesothelioma financial benefits and medical treatment from mesothelioma doctors. To see if you or your loved one qualifies for benefits, even if the VA previously denied your claim, our experts can help. Learn more about treatment costs, secure benefits, and appeal denied claims with our free VA claims assistance.
This study consisted of three survey questions conducted using Google Surveys. The sample consisted of no less than 1,000 completed responses. Post-stratification weighting has been applied to ensure an accurate and reliable representation of the total population. The survey ran during October 2019.