Free VA Claims Assistance for Veterans Exposed to Asbestos

The Mesothelioma Center has helped thousands of U.S. veterans get connected to the top mesothelioma resources, including access to financial assistance and mesothelioma compensation.

Vietnam Veteran

See if You or Your Loved One Qualifies for Compensation

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$30 Billion Set Aside for Victims of Mesothelioma & Their Families

An estimated $30 billion in trust funds have been set aside for victims of Mesothelioma and their. The Mesothelioma Center can help you access your rightful portion of the allocated funds after a mesothelioma diagnosis. Find out if you are eligible to file a claim today.

How We Can Help

The Mesothelioma Center has a wide range of resources available to assist veterans and their families after a diagnosis. Explore some of the primary ways we help veterans with mesothelioma below.

  • black and blue dollar bill icon
    Access to Mesothelioma Compensation
  • blue medical health symbol
    Get Connected With Top Doctors
  • army badge icon
    Get Assistance With VA Claims

Meet Our VA-Accredited Team of Experts

Aaron Munz and Danielle DiPietro from The Mesothelioma Center

Aaron Munz

Director of Veterans Department

Former U.S. Army Capt. Aaron Munz is a VA-accredited claims agent who uses his experience to help fellow veterans understand and file for VA benefits. He’ll walk you through the process from start to finish.

Danielle DiPietro

VA-Accredited Claims Agent

Danielle DiPietro is a VA-accredited claims agent and the granddaughter of two U.S. Army veterans. She provides support to make sure every person who works with our Veterans Department gets the benefits they deserve.

Information & Resources You Can Trust

The Mesothelioma Center at is the nation’s most trusted mesothelioma resource. Our core purpose is advocacy, awareness and connecting people to the best mesothelioma resources.
Collage of patient advocates from The Mesothelioma Center
  • We’ve been assisting mesothelioma patients and their loved ones since 2006.
  • We’ve helped more than 50% of patients diagnosed with mesothelioma annually in the U.S.
  • We have relationships with more than 500 of the nation’s top mesothelioma doctors.
  • We can walk you through your legal options and connect you with experienced mesothelioma law firms.
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Hear from Other Veterans We’ve Worked With

“If you have mesothelioma, being in contact with The Mesothelioma Center is a wonderful, wonderful source of information,” Jeannie Niemiec said. “Amy was able to answer any questions I had. It changed ….” Read More

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Jeannie N. Wife of Veteran Mesothelioma Survivor

“As a Navy Veteran and passionate advocate for justice, John’s journey with mesothelioma included a determination to seek compensation for his condition. Despite the challenges he faced, John remained ….” Read More

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John C. Survivor

“Sydney’s battle with mesothelioma was a challenging and overwhelming journey. However, he found hope and support through the Mesothelioma Center. With the personalized approach, Sydney was connected w….” Read More

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Sydney R. Survivor

Ready to Get Help with Your VA Claim?