5 Star Review

"Most helpful, steered us in the right direction for treatmen...." see more

Elaine C. - Mesothelioma Patient

5 Star Review

"Because of their guidance, I was able to navigate getting my...." see more

Deanna B. - Daughter of a Mesothelioma Patient

5 Star Review

"Hearing the news about my mother's diagnosis was heartbreaki...." see more

Danielle W. - Daughter of a Mesothelioma Patient

5 Star Review

"My son Carlos was diagnosed with this terrible and unknown d...." see more

Martha M. - Mother of a Mesothelioma Patient

5 Star Review

"Extremely communicative and helped my dad get an appointment...." see more

Sunni H. - Loved One of a Mesothelioma Patient

5 Star Review

"Danielle DiPietro was an invaluable resource for me. Her sug...." see more

Deborah C. - Spouse of a Mesothelioma Patient

5 Star Review

"I was very grateful and appreciative of Dr. Smart from The M...." see more

Kimberlin C. - Spouse of a Mesothelioma Patient

5 Star Review

"In January of 2016, my husband was diagnosed with peritoneal...." see more

Gloria R. - Spouse of a Mesothelioma Patient

Top Mesothelioma Pulmonologists

Dr. Edmund K. Moon, interventional pulmonologist

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Edmund K. Moon

Pleural Specialist | Interventional Pulmonology

Expertise: Respiratory Disease Pleural Mesothelioma Immunotherapy

Languages: English

Dr. Andrew Haas, pleural mesothelioma expert

Barberton, Pennsylvania

Andrew Haas

Pleural Specialist | Pulmonary Medicine

Expertise: Diagnostics CAR T-Cell Therapy

Languages: English

Dr. Alice Boylan - Professor of Medicine

Charleston, South Carolina

Alice Boylan

Pleural Specialist | Pulmonary Medicine

Expertise: Research Thoracic Malignancies

Languages: English

Dr. Anthony Lanfranco, pleural mesothelioma expert

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Anthony R. Lanfranco

Pleural Specialist | Pulmonology

Expertise: Minimally Invasive Procedures Pleural Mesothelioma

Languages: English

Dr. Francis D. Sheski, Thoracic Oncologist

Indianapolis, Indiana

Francis D. Sheski

Pleural Specialist | Pulmonary Critical Care

Expertise: Interventional Pulmonology Clinical Trials

Languages: English

Dr. Daniel H. Sterman, Director of the Multidisciplinary Pulmonary Oncology Program

New York, New York

Daniel H. Sterman

Pleural Specialist | Interventional Pulmonology

Expertise: Thoracic Diseases Minimally Invasive Procedures

Languages: English

Dr. Timothy Scott Blackwell, lung disease expert at Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center

Nashville, Tennessee

Timothy Scott Blackwell

Pleural Specialist | Pulmonology, Cancer Biology

Expertise: Lung Disease Research

Languages: English

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What is a Pulmonologist?

A pulmonologist is a physician with specialized training in pulmonary diseases. They have knowledge and skill in the diagnosis and treatment of lung conditions.

Another name for a pulmonologist is a pulmonary disease specialist.

Pulmonology is a subspecialty of internal medicine. This means pulmonologists finish a three-year internal medicine residency. Then they complete a two-year pulmonology fellowship.

After those years in training, they can take a test to become board certified to practice pulmonary medicine. Pulmonologists lead clinical research trials to find new ways to diagnose and treat mesothelioma.

A 2021 clinical research study said pulmonologists can use techniques to get cancer samples in a minimally invasive manner.

Why See a Pulmonologist?

Pulmonologists play an important role in diagnosing mesothelioma. Doctors unfamiliar with asbestos-related diseases can misdiagnose mesothelioma for more common conditions.

Pulmonologists can also work with your oncologist and provide expert advice on managing the disease and its symptoms.

Mesothelioma is a very rare cancer, and most doctors haven’t treated it.

What Is a Pulmonologist Specialized In?

Pulmonologists are experts on the lungs, airways, pleura and blood vessels in and around these organs.

The pleura are the membranes around the lungs and lining the chest cavity. It is an area where mesothelioma tumors can occur.

When asbestos-related tumors occur on the pleura, the disease is called pleural mesothelioma.

Pulmonologists are an important part of a mesothelioma specialist team. That’s because they are pleural experts.

What Types of Diseases Does a Pulmonologist Treat?

Pulmonologists diagnose, treat and manage a variety of diseases affecting the lungs, chest wall and chest cavity.

They specialize in how these pulmonary conditions affect the cardiovascular (heart and vessels) system.

Pulmonologists understand the inflammatory, infectious, cancerous, environmental and occupational causes of lung disease, too.

Pulmonary disease specialists work with people affected by:

  • Chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) such as emphysema
  • Lung cancer
  • Pleural mesothelioma
  • Pleural and lung infections such as tuberculosis
  • Pulmonary hypertension, a type of high blood pressure affecting arteries in the lungs and right side of the heart
  • Cystic fibrosis, an inherited (genetic) condition affecting the lungs

Common respiratory problems, such as uncomplicated asthma, typically are treated by general internists.

A pulmonary medicine specialist is called upon to diagnose unknown disorders and unusual respiratory system diseases such as mesothelioma.

What Does a Pulmonologist Do?

A pulmonary medicine specialist can help you manage your disease.

Pulmonologists possess the expertise and skills to help you manage symptoms as effectively as possible.

For example, a pulmonologist can prescribe medications and therapies to minimize shortness of breath and pain.

How Do I Find a Pulmonologist with Mesothelioma Experience?

If you haven’t consulted with a pulmonologist yet, ask your oncologist for a referral to meet one.

A pulmonary medicine specialist can work with you and the rest of your health care team to create a mesothelioma care plan.

The right combination of medical team members, including a pulmonologist, can help you achieve the best possible outcomes after a mesothelioma diagnosis.

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