Our Most Requested Services for Patients and Families

Our vision at The Mesothelioma Center at Asbestos.com is to provide mesothelioma patients with free access to information and services that help them live longer, healthier lives with their loved ones. There's no obligation or costs associated with our resources.

Medically Reviewed
Customize Your Free Mesothelioma Guide
Get information on key mesothelioma topics, including diagnosis, treatment options, resources for veterans and financial support.
  • Customized inserts tailored to your diagnosis.
  • Breakdown of the top doctors and hospitals.
  • Details about symptoms & cutting-edge treatments.
Elderly couple reading The Mesothelioma Guide
Elderly couple reading The Mesothelioma Guide together
Improve Your Prognosis
Connect with a Top Mesothelioma Doctor
Receive help from a dedicated team of Patient Advocates and get matched with the best doctors and treatment centers near you.
  • Access our network of 500+ mesothelioma doctors and hospitals.
  • Find the best specialists based on your diagnosis, location and insurance.
  • Get appointments faster than scheduling on your own.
Dr. Fontaine, Mesothelioma Doctor
Dr. Jacques Fontaine, Mesothelioma Doctor
The Compensation You Deserve
Get Matched with the Right Mesothelioma Lawyer for You
Connect with a mesothelioma attorney from one of the nation’s top law firms to help you file an asbestos trust fund claim or a mesothelioma lawsuit.
  • We’ve matched 5K+ families to an asbestos lawyer.
  • We partner with 200+ lawyers at top law firms.
  • All of our services are completely free with no out-of-pocket costs.
Attorneys smiling
Attorneys smiling
Cover Medical Expenses
Get Help Paying for Mesothelioma Treatment
We will help you explore all compensation options available for mesothelioma, including travel grants, asbestos trust funds, VA benefits claims and mesothelioma lawsuits.
  • Get help paying for your medical bills and lost income.
  • Ease your financial stress so you can focus on what matters most.
  • Access the more than $30B in asbestos trust funds.
Doctor discussing treatment with patient
Doctor talking to patient about treatment
Exclusive Information
Request a Free Mesothelioma Nutrition Guide
Nutrition plays a vital role in mesothelioma treatment. Get quick and easy recipes tailored for mesothelioma patients to help ease symptoms and treatment side effects.
  • Our expert author is a licensed oncology dietitian.
  • Receive a free nutrition journal to help you track your meals and how you're feeling.
  • Enjoy free overnight shipping.
Woman reads her Nutrition Guide to Mesothelioma
Couple cooking recipe from the Nutrition Guide to Mesothelioma together
Other Services:
Customize Your Free Mesothelioma Guide
Elderly couple reading The Mesothelioma Guide
Connect with a Top Mesothelioma Doctor
Dr. Fontaine, Mesothelioma Doctor
Get Matched with the Right Mesothelioma Lawyer for You
Attorneys smiling
Get Help Paying for Mesothelioma Treatment
Doctor discussing treatment with patient
Request a Free Mesothelioma Nutrition Guide
Woman reads her Nutrition Guide to Mesothelioma

What Can We Help You Find?

Missy Miller and Jose Ortiz reading resources provided by The Mesothelioma Center
Jose Ortiz and Missy Miller of the Medical Outreach team at Asbestos.com look at the mesothelioma packet

Informational & Support Resources

Access our free informational and support resources featuring experts and survivors sharing their experience with mesothelioma.

Our guide features information and resources specific to your diagnosis.

Our nutrition guide contains easy recipes to ease mesothelioma symptoms.

Our webinars help educate and provide resources for patients and families.

Our books can help you and your caregivers cope with mesothelioma.

Patients and caregivers can share their story and hear from survivors.

Request your free wristbands to raise awareness about mesothelioma.

Man speaking with doctor about treatment
Older patient smiling at a doctor

Mesothelioma Treatment Resources

Our Patient Advocates can connect you with top doctors and cancer centers, as well as help you access information about clinical trials.

Work with a dedicated patient navigator to find the best doctor for you.

Find top cancer centers near you that specialize in mesothelioma treatment.

Access mesothelioma trust funds or grants to pay for treatment expenses.

We can help you determine your eligibility for mesothelioma clinical trials.

Older couple gets legal advice
Older couple meeting with an attorney to fill out paperwork

Legal & Financial Resources

Our free legal and financial assistance programs help mesothelioma patients and families cover treatment expenses, travel costs and lost wages.

Get matched with a top lawyer who has experience with mesothelioma cases.

Start filing your asbestos claim today and get the compensation you deserve.

Access information on how to file an asbestos claim and obtain compensation.

Get help accessing the more than $30B available in asbestos trust funds.

We can help you claim your VA benefits or appeal a denied claim.


Our Patient Advocates Are Here to Help

Our Patient Advocates are an incredible informational and support resource. They help patients and loved ones find top specialists and cancer centers, navigate insurance and Medicare processes, access compensation for lost wages and treatment costs, file VA claims and access support groups and resources.

Get in Touch

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Katie Bien Loved One

"Karen and the team at the Mesothelioma Center have been fantastic! After having a family member diag....

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Sunni Harris Mesothelioma Caregiver

"Extremely communicative and helped my dad get an appointment with one of the top centers in Philadel....

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Guinevere Valles Loved One

"You become accustomed to putting your guard up, and not wanting to to trust especially when it comes....

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Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when I contact The Mesothelioma Center at Asbestos.com?

You’ll connect with a Patient Advocate who will be available to answer questions, provide guidance and offer support 7 days a week. Our team’s services are completely free and tailored to meet the specific needs of mesothelioma patients, caregivers and loved ones.

What support services are available for mesothelioma patients?

We offer a monthly mesothelioma support group for patients and caregivers that can be attended online or over the phone. We also manage a private, exclusive Facebook support group that provides access to 24/7 discussion and support from the mesothelioma community.

The Patient Advocates at The Mesothelioma Center are also an invaluable resource, providing support with VA-claims, finding mesothelioma specialists, scheduling appointments, answering questions about insurance and providing informational guides.

What resources are there for caregivers of mesothelioma patients?

The Mesothelioma Center recently launched a new private Facebook support group exclusively for mesothelioma caregivers. Our Patient Advocates are also here to answer caregivers’ questions, guide them to resources and offer support.