The Mesothelioma Center News – Page 37
Asbestos Exposure & BansCatherine Cook wasn’t there two months ago to see the loveliest wedding ever hosted at the Southern Oaks Plantation in New Orleans. She wasn’t…
Asbestos Exposure & Bans
Mr. Meso: Mesothelioma made for an enduring love story for Gene and Geri Lepore
Geri Lepore felt the same range of emotions family members often face after someone close to them is given a diagnosis of mesothelioma. -
Research & Clinical Trials
Study Reveals Chemical Processes Triggered by Asbestos
As an established carcinogen, asbestos poses a number of serious health risks. While it is a prominent factor in asbestosis, one of the most aggressive illnesses associated with the mineral is pleural mesothelioma, a cancer that develops in the lining of the lungs.