Legislation & Litigation – Page 8
Legislation & LitigationCities and counties throughout the country are paying the price for failing to adhere to the tightening safety protocols that cover the handling and…
Legislation & Litigation
Johnson & Johnson Bankruptcy Plan Won’t Halt Industrial Talc Lawsuit
Johnson & Johnson may have used a controversial bankruptcy spinoff to avoid almost 40,000 cosmetic talc lawsuits, but it now must face plaintiffs… -
Legislation & Litigation
Senate Passes Asbestos Awareness Resolution, Inches Closer to Ban
The U.S. Senate unanimously passed its annual National Asbestos Awareness Week resolution, inching closer to long-awaited, much-anticipated legislation to ban the toxic substance. The… -
Legislation & Litigation
$36.5 Million Verdict Could Change Asbestos Litigation in Libby, Montana
A Montana District Court jury recently delivered a $36.5 million verdict in a bellwether case that is expected to significantly change the landscape of… -
Legislation & Litigation
Johnson & Johnson’s Talc Bankruptcy Plan Approved
Much to the ire of plaintiff attorneys across the country, a federal judge in New Jersey granted approval for Johnson & Johnson to… -
Legislation & Litigation
Court Deals Blow to Johnson & Johnson Bankruptcy Plan for Talc Cases
A federal judge in North Carolina delivered a major setback to Johnson & Johnson and its controversial plan to unload all talc-related… -
Legislation & Litigation
New California Law Could Benefit Mesothelioma Plaintiffs
A recently amended California law will now allow the estates of deceased plaintiffs, including mesothelioma patients, to collect pain and suffering damages. -
Legislation & Litigation
Johnson & Johnson Sending Talc Cases to Bankruptcy Court
As expected, Johnson & Johnson has unloaded its burgeoning talc-related liabilities on a new subsidiary that filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on… -
Legislation & Litigation
Courts Seeing More Secondary Asbestos Exposure Lawsuits
Secondary exposure to toxic asbestos has declined considerably in recent decades, but known cases of malignant mesothelioma caused by that type of… -
Legislation & Litigation
EPA Settles Lawsuits, Agrees to Broader Asbestos Risk Evaluations
Facing legal pressure from health and advocacy organizations, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has agreed to broaden its ongoing Risk Evaluation for Asbestos under…