Kim Madril shared, “I couldn’t work during treatment and recovery, and the surgical bill, anesthesia and hospital stay alone for one week with surgery was $160,000. Radiation treatment was $30,000, I think.” After talking to her thoracic surgeon, Kim pursued financial help via compensation. She said it helped eliminate some stress and allowed her to focus on her recovery.
Mesothelioma Compensation
Mesothelioma compensation ranges from $1 million to $20.7 million on average. This includes settlements and trial verdicts. This compensation helps patients and their families pay for medical bills, lost wages and other expenses.
Average Mesothelioma Compensation Amounts
For mesothelioma compensation, the average settlement is between $1 million and $2 million. The average asbestos lawsuit trial verdict is $20.7 million. This figure is based on litigation data published in the 2024 Mealey’s Litigation Report. Mesothelioma financial compensation differs for each case.
Our research shows that between 2021 and 2022, the average mesothelioma trial verdict was $10.6 million. The average soared between 2018 and 2020 to an atypical $53 million. One verdict skewing the average in this period is a multibillion-dollar talc verdict against Johnson & Johnson.

If a mesothelioma cancer claim goes to trial, the parties could reach a settlement, or a jury could determine the amount of compensation after finding the defendant liable for the asbestos exposure. Most cases settle before trial.
If a loved one dies from mesothelioma, financial compensation may be available. Family members, spouses or dependents can file wrongful death lawsuits. Mesothelioma financial compensation helps cover medical expenses, lost wages, travel costs and other losses. It provides financial security for families when a loved one can no longer work.
Types of Mesothelioma Compensation
The three primary types of mesothelioma compensation include: Asbestos trust funds, trial verdicts and settlements. Asbestos trust fund claims outnumber lawsuits because many asbestos companies have gone bankrupt. However, that doesn’t mean those companies have escaped liability.
In bankruptcy cases, many asbestos companies set up trust funds. These trust funds have enough money to compensate future asbestos victims. They contain hundreds of millions to billions of dollars.
A top asbestos lawyer may suggest filing a trust fund claim and a lawsuit. This depends on which asbestos containing products are most relevant to your case.
Asbestos Trust Funds
Some people develop mesothelioma after exposure to an asbestos product a now bankrupt company manufactured. In this case, your legal claim may go through the bankrupt company’s trust fund rather than the court system. More than $30 billion is available in asbestos trust funds for people affected by mesothelioma or other asbestos-related diseases.
Litigation is not for every mesothelioma victim, which is why asbestos trust funds are often a very good option.
Asbestos trust fund claims generally process quicker than mesothelioma lawsuits. They don’t have to go through the court system. Claimants typically receive compensation within a couple of months.
Mesothelioma Lawsuits
Mesothelioma personal injury lawsuits are often the best type of claims to file. Another option is filing a wrongful death claim when a person dies of mesothelioma. Surviving family members often represent the estate when filing this type of claim. Asbestos lawsuit verdicts provide the most substantial compensation. The average lawsuit trial verdict is $20.7 million.
I asked my Patient Advocate, Missy Miller at The Mesothelioma Center, for law firm recommendations to help me afford treatment expenses. It was the best decision ever. It ended up being about more than just compensation. Let’s make these responsible entities accountable.
If the defendants don’t settle and your case goes to trial, a court or jury will decide your case. Mealey’s reported on 19 asbestos jury verdicts in 2023. The trial verdict will include monetary compensation if it finds the defendant liable. A mesothelioma attorney can walk you through the process and handle every legal detail.
Mesothelioma Settlements
A settlement is when a defendant pays a plaintiff to dismiss the lawsuit. Many mesothelioma lawsuits settle before trial. Several factors affect whether your lawsuit settles. The average settlement ranges from $1 million to $2 million.
Because settlements provide compensation faster than lawsuits, they may be a more immediate solution to pay expenses. I’ve seen verdicts typically result in higher amounts of total compensation, but the majority of lawsuits are settled before trial.
Some defendants decide that settling a claim is cheaper than incurring more legal fees. Other defendants are willing to risk a trial because they can negotiate an asbestos settlement at any point.
A qualified asbestos law firm will negotiate settlements on your behalf. They’ll advise you about whether to take the compensation or pursue a court trial.
Verified Survivor
Get Your Claim Started“Filing a mesothelioma claim was the best decision ever. It ended up being about more than just compensation. It was about holding these entities accountable.”
Who Is Eligible for Mesothelioma Compensation?
Mesothelioma patients and family members who lost a loved one to the disease are eligible for compensation. Family members, who also represent part of the deceased’s estate, may file a claim after the death of a loved one, also known as a wrongful death lawsuit. They may also file a mesothelioma trust fund claim.
An experienced asbestos attorney will gauge the likely success of your case and statute of limitations or time limit to file a claim. They’ll also suggest the best claim to file, depending on the circumstances of your case. In some instances, surviving family members may be eligible to receive compensation through multiple legal options.
Providing evidence of asbestos exposure and the mesothelioma diagnosis shows your eligibility for compensation. This is true whether filing an asbestos claim as a mesothelioma survivor or as a relative of a loved one.
How to File for Mesothelioma Compensation
You can file for financial compensation with a top mesothelioma attorney who will manage the legal process for you. The right attorney will help you understand all your options for filing a claim if you’re within the time limit to file. They’ll prove your history of asbestos exposure and track your expenses.

Your legal team will manage the process if you accept a defendant’s settlement offer. Both sides will report the settlement agreement to the court, which will issue an order of settlement. The defense will prepare a document called the release. Once agreed upon, your lawyer will send it to you to sign and have notarized.
- Get an Attorney: Speak with an asbestos law firm to find out what you could receive and the statute of limitations. They can help determine what’s best for you and your family.
- Discovery Period: Your attorney will discover the facts about your asbestos exposure. This process generally focuses on the places and products that led to your exposure.
- Weigh Your Options: Consider all options for compensation. Your attorney will review your eligibility for trust funds and lawsuits.
- Accept or Reject Settlement Offers: If you file a lawsuit, you may have to consider offers to settle. Your attorney will counsel you on resolving your claim or proceeding to trial.
An expert lawyer will maximize your compensation but won’t promise a certain amount. The financial award can cover costs incurred by asbestos-related diseases. Insurance does not cover many expenses. These can include transportation, home health aides and complementary therapies.

Learn about your mesothelioma compensation options and if you are eligible.
Get Your Free GuideVA Claims and Other Types of Financial Assistance
In addition to compensation from a mesothelioma claim, you can take advantage of other financial assistance. These include VA claims, private health insurance, Medicare and Medicaid, long-term disability insurance, Social Security disability payments and community assistance.
These programs are designed to help those with a severe illness. Some of these programs can provide mesothelioma financial assistance in just a few weeks or months, and specific programs provide ongoing monthly compensation.
- Community Assistance: Local organizations may provide grants to help patients and their families with transportation, lodging, food and other out-of-pocket costs that arise during treatment. Contact your local chapter of the American Cancer Society or another cancer support group for more information.
- Long-Term Disability Insurance: If you have long-term disability insurance, you may be able to receive a percentage of your salary. You must submit paperwork from your doctor verifying your disability.
- Medicare and Medicaid: These programs offer health care benefits for eligible senior citizens, people with disabilities and those with limited income. They provide coverage for all forms of mesothelioma treatment.
- Private Health Insurance: Health insurance can help offset your expenses. If you already have insurance, review your out-of-pocket deductible and copay amounts and any coverage limits.
- Social Security Disability Payments: If you cannot work because of your illness and are still eligible, you can apply for Social Security Disability Benefits. The Social Security Compassionate Allowances program allows mesothelioma patients to apply for benefits under a fast-track process.
- VA Claims: Veterans have a right to file a VA claim seeking compensation for any illnesses resulting from their military service. The paperwork can be confusing and complicated. A VA-accredited claims agent can help.
Many people who served in the U.S. armed forces were exposed to asbestos. Veterans who develop mesothelioma or other asbestos-related diseases may be eligible for disability compensation or VA benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs.
VA-accredited claims agents often recommend that veterans file a VA claim at the same time they file a legal claim. Waiting to file these claims separately will only cause delays. The compensation received from one generally won’t impact the other, which means you’ll receive payment quicker if you also file this type of claim.
Common Questions About Mesothelioma Compensation
- Is compensation available for asbestos exposure?
Compensation is available for people who have been exposed to asbestos and have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, as well as spouses, children, and heirs through litigation in the courts and by filing claims with the asbestos trusts.
Answered By: Carl Money, Mesothelioma Attorney, Nemeroff Law Firm
- How long will it take to get compensation?
The time it takes to receive compensation for a case filed in the courts depends on the jurisdiction in which the case is filed, but hopefully, it will be within a year of filing. As for a claim filed with the asbestos trusts, you may receive compensation within three months of filing a claim.
Answered By: Carl Money, Mesothelioma Attorney, Nemeroff Law Firm
- How can I apply for asbestos compensation?
It is best to hire an attorney specializing in asbestos litigation and allow them to pursue litigation against the asbestos companies and file claims against the asbestos trusts.
Answered By: Carl Money, Mesothelioma Attorney, Nemeroff Law Firm
- How do I find an attorney who specializes in asbestos cases?
Researching and finding a national firm specializing in asbestos litigation is best.
Answered By: Carl Money, Mesothelioma Attorney, Nemeroff Law Firm