Filing a Mesothelioma Claim in Oregon 

Oregonians diagnosed with mesothelioma may be eligible to file a personal injury claim. Family members who lost a loved one because of an asbestos-related illness may be able to file a wrongful death claim. An experienced Oregon mesothelioma attorney can file your claim and manage the legal process for you.

Key Facts About Filing in Oregon

  1. The statute of limitations in Oregon is 2 years for both personal injury and wrongful death claims. 
  2. Plaintiffs in personal injury claims can recover compensation only if the defendant is found at least 49% at fault. 
  3. If a plaintiff is found partially responsible, the percentage of their responsibility will be subtracted from any verdict amount awarded.
  4. Unlike in other states, in Oregon plaintiffs don’t have to prove the regularity, proximity and frequency of use of asbestos products that caused their illness.

In Oregon, a defendant may be liable for asbestos injuries even if they didn’t manufacture the asbestos products but only installed them. You can file a claim against a contractor who uses asbestos products on a project that didn’t call for them.

Why Hire an Asbestos Lawyer in Oregon?

Hiring an experienced Oregon asbestos lawyer will help you file your claim. Your attorney can determine the best course of action for your specific mesothelioma lawsuit.

Your knowledgeable attorney will ensure your claim is filed on time and within Oregon’s statute of limitations. Filing on time is key. Talking with your attorney at your earliest convenience is essential. Your Oregon asbestos lawyer will also be able to assess if there are any exceptions to filing deadlines in your specific case.

Oregon Mesothelioma Law Firms

Choose an experienced Oregon asbestos law firm with a proven track record of handling cases like yours. Leading lawyers at Oregon mesothelioma law firms will have a history of proven success and will be familiar with specific state laws that can affect your case.

Their experience will help you navigate what’s needed for your lawsuit. A top Oregon mesothelioma law firm is key to building a solid case. They can also help you file a claim with an asbestos trust fund. 

Nationwide Asbestos Law Firms Outside Oregon

Consider working with a national asbestos law firm for your mesothelioma claim. National firms have experienced attorneys licensed to practice across the country. 

Working with a national firm can also be helpful if it’s in your best interest to file in another state. This may be the case if you were exposed to asbestos in another state. This may also be the case if the company responsible for your exposure is headquartered in another state. 

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You won’t need to worry about traveling to meet with lawyers at top national mesothelioma firms. Attorneys at national firms understand their clients aren’t always able to travel while dealing with an asbestos-related illness and can travel to you. They also have vast resources and experience opposing large corporations.

Asbestos Settlements and Verdicts Awarded in Oregon

Courts in Oregon have ruled in favor of asbestos plaintiffs in several high-profile cases. Many cases have resulted in millions of dollars in mesothelioma compensation

For example, a Multnomah County circuit court jury awarded $5.7 million to Robert and Bonnie Sprague in 2017. Robert Sprague developed mesothelioma. His lawsuit claimed his disease was the result of exposure to asbestos products while serving in the U.S. Navy and working as a pipefitter. 

Notable Oregon Settlements and Verdicts 

  • $260 Million: In 2024, an Oregon jury awarded a woman $260 million following claims that Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder caused her mesothelioma. Kyung Lee of Beaverton says she has used the product for more than 30 years. 
  • $8.75 Million: A Portland jury awarded $8.75 million to David and Patricia Hoff in 2016. Their suit claimed Hoff, a carpenter, developed mesothelioma from Kaiser Gypsum’s asbestos-containing spackle product. Union Carbide and Georgia Pacific, other defendants in the case, reached confidential settlements with the Hoffs during the trial.
  • $6.2 Million: An Oregon jury awarded $6.2 million to Donald and Linda Miller in 2020, whose suit claimed exposure to one of Kaiser Gypsum Co.’s asbestos-containing products caused Miller to develop mesothelioma.

Charles and Pat Eastridge were awarded $5 million in 2016 following Charles’ mesothelioma diagnosis. The couple claims he was exposed to asbestos while working at a mill where he maintained dry kilns and boilers.

Several factors will affect a verdict and settlement amount. Mesothelioma settlements range from $1 million to $2 million. Mesothelioma verdicts average higher. They can be between $5 million and $20.7 million. Speak with your lawyer about possible factors that may affect the amount of your claim. 

Regulating Asbestos in Oregon 

State rules and federal laws regulate asbestos in Oregon to prevent environmental and occupational exposure among residents. Oregon’s Department of Environmental Quality manages the state’s asbestos laws and abatement licensing. 

Oregon Asbestos Laws and Regulations

  • Oregon Revised Statutes Sections 12.110: Defines the statutes of limitations for personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits in Oregon.
  • Oregon Revised Statutes Sections 31.600 to 31.620: Defines Oregon’s negligence laws, including the definition of the state’s modified comparative negligence rule.
  • Oregon Statutes Section 468A.700: Defines Oregon’s laws on asbestos abatement projects, training and licensing of abatement professionals and penalties for violating the law.
  • Oregon Statutes Section 468A.755: Defines exemptions for asbestos abatement in private residences in Oregon.
  • Lane Regional Air Protection Agency Code Title 43: Defines the laws and regulations involving asbestos removal projects in Lane County, Oregon.

The Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Administration enforces exposure limits to protect Oregon workers from asbestos exposure in the workplace. The Lane Regional Air Protection Agency oversees asbestos removal projects in Lane County.

Asbestos Exposure in Oregon

Shipyards along Oregon’s coastline were primary sources of asbestos exposure for thousands of workers. During World War II, when shipyards peaked in production, the U.S. Navy mandated asbestos use because of its ability to insulate and fireproof materials aboard ships. 

While several occupations in Oregon led to asbestos exposure, the state is also home to natural asbestos deposits. These deposits can put residents at risk of inhaling asbestos fibers.

Sites in Oregon Known for Asbestos Exposure

  • Albina Engine & Machine Works Shipyard: The Portland shipyards were vital to World War II shipbuilding. Workers at Albina Shipyard, Swan Island Shipyard and Astoria Voyage Repair Station knew these sites were asbestos exposure locations.
  • Burns Air Force Station: The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality asked the EPA to conduct a time-critical removal action for the former Burns Air Force Station Radar Base site. Asbestos insulation, pipe wrap, broken tile and wallboard were found at the site. 
  • Chiloquin Lumber & Box Company: A box factory and lumber mill in Klamath County opened in 1918. The box factory burned down in 1947, and the lumber mill remained operational until 1988. In 2005, the ODEQ performed cleanup activities involving removing asbestos-containing materials from a boiler house and later demolishing the boiler. 
  • Martin-Marietta Aluminum Company: In 1984, the EPA and the ODEQ designated the Martin-Marietta Aluminum plant as hazardous. It was later declared a Superfund site on the National Priorities List. A lot of the waste from the site was sent to a landfill on the property, which the EPA said was contaminated with asbestos insulation.
  • North Ridge Estates: The residential community in Klamath Falls is a former Marine Recuperation Barracks in the 1940s. The site is contaminated with asbestos following an improper demolition of approximately 80 buildings.
  • Portland State University: The university conducted a campus-wide survey in 2008 to identify locations where asbestos may exist. PSU identified wall texture, ceiling texture, vinyl flooring, insulation and window putty in campus buildings as all containing asbestos. 

In August 2024, the auditorium at Bend Senior High School was demolished after asbestos was found inside. The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality confirms that friable asbestos was discovered in the auditorium’s floor tiles, hard fittings, roofing, windows and different caulking types. Officials say 10,000 to 25,999 linear feet of asbestos-containing material was in the building.

According to the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act, all Oregon schools must be inspected for asbestos-containing materials. Schools must also perform re-inspections every 3 years with an AHERA-accredited inspector. Most schools and other structures built before 1980 will likely contain some form of asbestos. 

Occupational Asbestos Exposure in Oregon

People in Oregon have been exposed to asbestos in the environment and the workplace. Many occupations, including shipyards, mills, mines, factories, power plants and farms, exposed workers to asbestos. Statewide, between 150 and 200 facilities were a source of exposure for employees.

Higher-Risk Jobs in Oregon

  • Agriculture
  • Construction
  • Lumber production
  • Manufacturing
  • Military personnel
  • Mining
  • Paper production
  • Power generation
  • Shipbuilding
  • Teacher

Asbestos exposure in the military has caused thousands of veterans to develop mesothelioma after their retirement. The military commonly used asbestos for fireproofing and insulation. Oregon military bases known for asbestos-containing materials include Kingsley Field, Umatilla Army Depot and AIRSTA North Bend Coast Guard base.

If secondhand exposure caused your illness, you can file a claim in Oregon. The state holds companies responsible for what’s usually known as “take-home duty.” Secondhand asbestos exposure is just as dangerous as primary exposure. It can happen when someone working with asbestos unintentionally brings home toxic fibers on their clothing, hair or skin.

Continued Learning

Asbestos Manufacturers
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