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"Aaron Munz did an excellent and amazing job of guiding me th...." see more

Donald J. - Patient

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"Because of you, my mother is going to be financially set onc...." see more

Starr G. - Daughter of a Mesothelioma Patient

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"They were able to help us find legal representation and char...." see more

Kerry G. - Daughter of a Mesothelioma Patient

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"The Mesothelioma Center was so helpful. I received so much i...." see more

Brittany G. - Daughter of a Mesothelioma Patient

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"My father was recently diagnosed with mesothelioma. We as a ...." see more

Cindy R. - Daughter of a Mesothelioma Patient

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"My Dad was diagnosed with mesothelioma, and thankfully The M...." see more

Patrick K. - Son of a Mesothelioma Patient

Top Mesothelioma Lawyers in New York City

The best legal representation for mesothelioma lawsuits in New York City is a nationwide law firm specializing in asbestos. The best mesothelioma lawyers work at the nation’s top law firms, including Weitz & Luxenberg, Simmons Hanly Conroy and Meirowitz & Wasserberg, which have offices in New York City.

New York City Asbestos-Related Deaths
Estimated Number of Asbestos-Related Deaths (1999-2017) Average Asbestos-Related Deaths Per Year
Queens County, N.Y. 1,072 56
Kings County, N.Y. 774 40
New York County, N.Y. 515 27
Bronx County, N.Y. 356 18
Richmond County, N.Y. 312 16

These firms have more experience than smaller, local law firms. They’re qualified to handle the complexities of a mesothelioma legal claim. They can also secure more compensation for your expenses after asbestos exposure.

Weitz and Luxenberg
  • $8.5 Billion Recovered
  • Serves Clients Nationwide
  • Rated #1 by U.S. News & World Report for 2022
Simmons Hanly Conroy Logo
  • $8.9 Billion Recovered
  • Serves Clients Nationwide
  • Rated a Tier 1 Law Firm in 2022 by U.S. News & World Report
meirowitz & wasserberg logo
  • $200 Million Recovered
  • Serves Clients Nationwide
  • Rated in the Top 10 Asbestos and Mesothelioma Trial Lawyers
Nemeroff Law Firm Logo
  • $500 Million Recovered
  • Serves Clients Nationwide
  • Rated a “Hall of Fame” law firm by The Legal 500
Cooney & Conway Logo
  • $7 Billion Recovered
  • Serves Clients Nationwide
  • Rated a National Tier 1 Firm by U.S. News & World Report in 2022

Filing a Mesothelioma Lawsuit in New York City

Plaintiffs must file with the New York Supreme Court for cases seeking more than $50,000. The average mesothelioma case can be up to $2 million. Asbestos is a toxic mineral used in various industries. It was frequently present throughout New York City’s rich industrial and manufacturing history.  

If you have experienced asbestos exposure in New York City, you may be at risk of developing mesothelioma, a type of asbestos cancer. Mesothelioma legal claims are the best way to secure asbestos compensation in New York City. A national law firm has the experience to help you file a mesothelioma lawsuit

A personal injury claim seeks compensation for medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering. It’s also the most common type of mesothelioma claim. Surviving family members can file a wrongful death lawsuit if the victim has died. This way, the family can receive compensation for medical bills, funeral expenses and lost income. 

Other payment types, such as VA benefits, may also be available for New York City residents. VA benefits are available for veterans exposed to asbestos during their military service. A New York mesothelioma lawyer can help you navigate statutes of limitations and claims involving negligence. 

Mesothelioma Compensation Awarded to New York City Residents

Many patients receive mesothelioma compensation by settling out of court in New York City. When a case goes to trial, it may result in a substantial verdict.

NYC Compensation Examples
  • $28.5 Million in 2023: Meirowitz & Wasserberg won $28.5 million for a local 638 steamfitter who developed an asbestos-related disease after working on the initial construction of the World Trade Center.
  • $15 Million in 2022: Simmons Hanly Conroy won $15 million for the family of a New York construction worker in a case against the Kaiser Gypsum company. The worker died in 2019 from mesothelioma after decades of working with the company’s joint compound.
  • $60 Million in 2018: The New York Supreme Court awarded $60 million to the family of a New York laborer. The worker developed mesothelioma from asbestos-containing products after working on boilers in Brooklyn.
  • $75 Million in 2017: A New York jury awarded $75 million to a mesothelioma patient who experienced secondary exposure to asbestos through her husband. It was one of the biggest mesothelioma verdicts in the state’s history.
  • $2.5 Million in 2008: A New York jury awarded $2.25 million to the family of a former electrician. He had developed mesothelioma after working at the Brooklyn Navy Yard.

New York City mesothelioma lawyers often obtain settlements for over a million dollars for their clients. They also have the experience to secure six-figure payouts from companies that have gone bankrupt. These companies have set up asbestos trust funds for future lawsuits. 

Common Sources of Asbestos Exposure in New York City

Many New York City residents with mesothelioma encountered asbestos while on the job. Workers in shipyards and power plants have some of the highest risks of exposure. Construction tradespeople, veterans and emergency first responders also have an increased risk.

In the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, more than 400,000 first responders and recovery workers were at the scene. They inhaled toxic dust containing asbestos and other harmful substances. Mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases have become significant health concerns for these first responders. 

The World Trade Center Health Program tracks the health of responders and survivors. More than 16,000 responders developed cancer after the event. The latency period for mesothelioma can be as long as 20-60 years, which means some cases may only be emerging now.

Asbestos-Containing Building Materials
  • Adhesives
  • Floor tiles
  • Insulation
  • Pipes
  • Roof shingles

These products were present in factories and infrastructure industries. Asbestos exposure harmed pipe fitters, insulation workers and more. 

You should seek a top law firm if you or a loved one has mesothelioma or an asbestos-related disease. Filing a mesothelioma lawsuit in New York City requires a qualified mesothelioma attorney. A nationwide firm has experience handling these types of cases. Your attorney will help you navigate the legal system and pursue the compensation you deserve.

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