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"Aaron Munz did an excellent and amazing job of guiding me th...." see more

Donald J. - Patient

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"Because of you, my mother is going to be financially set onc...." see more

Starr G. - Daughter of a Mesothelioma Patient

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"They were able to help us find legal representation and char...." see more

Kerry G. - Daughter of a Mesothelioma Patient

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"The Mesothelioma Center was so helpful. I received so much i...." see more

Brittany G. - Daughter of a Mesothelioma Patient

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"My father was recently diagnosed with mesothelioma. We as a ...." see more

Cindy R. - Daughter of a Mesothelioma Patient

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"My Dad was diagnosed with mesothelioma, and thankfully The M...." see more

Patrick K. - Son of a Mesothelioma Patient

Why Hire a New Orleans Mesothelioma Lawyer?

A New Orleans mesothelioma lawyer’s experience and expertise make them the ideal candidates to file a lawsuit on your behalf and seek financial compensation for medical bills, lost wages and other damages. A mesothelioma lawyer from a top-rated nationwide firm specializes in litigation for asbestos-related diseases. 

Working With New Orleans Attorneys
  • Local attorneys know nearby asbestos exposure sites and therefore understand the common causes of exposure.
  • New Orleans lawyers understand how cases similar to yours have fared in the legal system. This knowledge helps them present your case in the best possible way to secure you maximum compensation.
  • A local law office affords access to meet in person at your attorney’s office to discuss your case and ask questions.

While a local office can be a convenience, lawyers with top nationwide firms will also agree to come to your home or conduct video conferences. People with a compromised immune system may wish to limit their exposure to others and choose one of these options for appointments. 

National firms can also benefit your case as their attorneys have an ideal balance of knowledge and experience at both the state and federal levels. Top asbestos attorneys in New Orleans have access to nationwide resources, giving you an advantage over working with a firm with limited reach. 

When Do You Need to Hire a Mesothelioma Attorney?

You should hire a New Orleans mesothelioma attorney as soon as possible after receiving a diagnosis to get the process started. Statute of limitations begin from the date of your diagnosis, not the date of exposure. 

However, your attorney will understand the specific timeline that pertains to your individual case. Experienced mesothelioma lawyers can determine when and where best to file depending on where your exposure occurred, the defendants in the case and other relevant factors.

Asbestos Exposure in New Orleans 

Exposure to asbestos in Louisiana occurs most frequently in shipyards and oil refineries. Although the state has no known natural asbestos deposits, some areas have contaminated soil and groundwater as a result of companies dumping waste.

New Orleans Asbestos Exposure Sites
  • Cargill’s Breaux Bridge Salt Mine: Workers experienced exposure to asbestos used in the salt purification process. 
  • Jefferson Parish Subdivision: The area, a potential home for more than 100 families, was a known asbestos dumping ground for years. Efforts involving testing and remediation continue to ensure the site is safe. 
  • Lafayette Academy and Rosenwald Collegiate Academy: These two charter schools in New Orleans closed down temporarily for asbestos remediation. Claims of mishandled asbestos removal point out that Lafayette went through multiple closures to attempt to remove asbestos, making parents skeptical of its safety. 
  • Plaza Tower: This abandoned building underwent remediation 20 years ago, but discussions of tearing it down raised concerns about exposure to lingering asbestos. 
  • W.R. Grace Plant: This New Orleans vermiculite exfoliation facility processed 148,000 tons of asbestos-containing materials.

The Gulf of Mexico provides a rich source of oil. Those who work in the oil refineries are just one example of on-the-job asbestos exposure in certain industries. First responders like firefighters, police and volunteers also can be exposed during efforts to assist after natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina. 

The John Mansville plant, founded in 1858, was one of the state’s first companies that used asbestos and made an effort to hide the risks of exposure. After decades of fighting legal claims, the company created a trust in 1988 worth $2.5 billion in compensation. 

New Orleans Occupations & Industries Known for Asbestos Exposure

Cases of asbestos-related illnesses in New Orleans are primarily from occupational exposure. New Orleans is home to many industries that employ large numbers of workers, any of whom may come into contact with asbestos during their jobs. 

Employers with a High Risk of Asbestos Exposure
  • Industrial plants
  • Oil refineries
  • Power plants
  • Salt mines
  • Schools
  • Shipyards

While many industries use asbestos, these have the most elevated level of danger of asbestos exposure for workers. People who work around asbestos are at high risk of developing mesothelioma and other cancers and pulmonary diseases. The U.S. currently regulates the use of asbestos but has not banned it. 

Secondary Asbestos Exposure

Secondary exposure to asbestos is as serious as primary exposure, potentially leading to mesothelioma and other diseases. Workers in several industries, including port laborers, exposed their families to take-home asbestos that traveled into their homes via their clothing.

Family members may have come into contact with asbestos fibers when handling unwashed work clothes, touching furniture after the worker spread asbestos fibers to the surface and even through hugging. Regulations put in place during the 1970s helped to reduce, but not eliminate secondary asbestos exposure. 

How to Find The Right New Orleans Mesothelioma Lawyer

Finding a mesothelioma attorney in New Orleans is easier when you understand the qualities and factors to look for in your lawyer. Research and meet with several candidates if possible to find a lawyer who fits your personal needs. 

Essential Criteria for a New Orleans Asbestos Lawyer
  • Has experience handling asbestos cases
  • Shows a successful track record winning cases similar to yours
  • Provides a free case evaluation to discuss your eligibility and show you their qualifications
  • Communicates clearly and explains legal matters in terms that make sense to you
  • Has access to asbestos informational databases
  • Is part of a nationwide law firm with experience at the state and federal level

It’s important to take your time to find a lawyer you personally resonate with and will feel comfortable communicating with throughout the litigation process. While you should always look for a lawyer with experience, a successful track record and access to valuable resources, you may prefer certain other qualities to make your experience more positive. 

Think about what is important to you. This could be empathy, accessibility or preferred communication method. 

New Orleans Mesothelioma Law Firms

New Orleans residents with a mesothelioma diagnosis have several options when it comes to selecting a top law firm. Typically, the best choice is a nationwide firm with knowledge of the litigation process in each state. This benefits you as your lawyer can recommend which state to file your suit in while guiding you through the complicated legal process.

Nemeroff Law Firm Logo
  • $500 Million Recovered
  • Serves Clients Nationwide
  • Rated a “Hall of Fame” law firm by The Legal 500
Weitz and Luxenberg
  • $8.5 Billion Recovered
  • Serves Clients Nationwide
  • Rated #1 by U.S. News & World Report for 2022
Simmons Hanly Conroy Logo
  • $8.9 Billion Recovered
  • Serves Clients Nationwide
  • Rated a Tier 1 Law Firm in 2022 by U.S. News & World Report
meirowitz & wasserberg logo
  • $200 Million Recovered
  • Serves Clients Nationwide
  • Rated in the Top 10 Asbestos and Mesothelioma Trial Lawyers
Cooney & Conway Logo
  • $7 Billion Recovered
  • Serves Clients Nationwide
  • Rated a National Tier 1 Firm by U.S. News & World Report in 2022

The right New Orleans asbestos lawyer shows compassion and empathy to you and your family while fighting hard to reach a settlement in your favor. Ideally, you should look for a firm that offers a network of attorneys with high success rates. National law firms are excellent choices and have access to essential resources that can make a big difference in the outcome of your case.

What Is It Like to Work With a New Orleans Mesothelioma Lawyer? 

Your lawyer will gather the necessary information to present your case and fight to get you fair compensation. Working with a lawyer is essential to make sure you follow proper legal processes and build a case with the greatest chance of success.

Asbestos Litigation Steps
  1. Consultation: Speak with a lawyer through a free consultation to discuss your options and get advice about your case.
  2. Eligibility Confirmation: Present documentation of your diagnosis and exposure history to determine your eligibility to file a claim.
  3. Claim Filing: Your attorney will file your claim in the relevant court.
  4. Discovery: The discovery process involves collecting evidence through research, interviews and dispositions. This data comes together to support your case.
  5. Resolution: Most cases reach a settlement to resolve the claim. In rare cases, you may go to trial and receive a verdict to determine the case’s resolution.

The claims process for mesothelioma claims involves complex legal steps and a lot of hard work. Your lawyer will handle everything for you, so you can put your time and energy into your treatment. 

How Do I Know If I’m Eligible for Compensation?

If you have a diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma, an experienced attorney can help determine if you qualify for compensation. Your lawyer should understand the physical and emotional toll of treatment and work on your behalf to file the claim, gather evidence and assess your eligibility.

Your New Orleans asbestos attorney will conduct a consultation to obtain your work and health history, asbestos exposure and cancer diagnosis and then gather the necessary documentation to prove your case. While the litigation process can seem complex, your lawyer will provide guidance and fight for financial compensation on your behalf so you can focus on your treatment.

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