Understanding Degrees of Asbestos Exposure

The levels of asbestos exposure affect the risk of getting asbestos-related diseases. Every year, these asbestos diseases like mesothelioma kill thousands in the U.S. In 2016, past exposure led to nearly 40,000 deaths, according to the International Commission of Occupational Health.

It’s natural for people to feel concerned after short-term exposure to asbestos. Asbestos has a deadly reputation, but many people don’t know why it’s dangerous.  

Short-Term Exposure Fast Facts

  • Light, short-term exposure rarely causes disease
  • A one-off exposure from do-it-yourself renovation is not a major risk
  • Asbestos exposure is cumulative, so short-term exposures can add up
  • Disasters may cause extreme asbestos-exposure events

Exposure to asbestos happens when someone inhales asbestos dust. Over time, millions of microscopic mineral fibers accumulate in the smooth lining that covers the lungs, abdominal cavity and heart. The buildup leads to scarring, inflammation, and eventually, mesothelioma.

Does Everyone Who Is Exposed to Asbestos Get Mesothelioma?

Not everyone exposed to asbestos gets diagnosed with mesothelioma. This is true even for people exposed to large amounts of the mineral. While asbestos is the main cause of mesothelioma, certain risk factors increase the likelihood of developing this cancer.

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How Much Asbestos Exposure Is Harmful?

No amount of asbestos exposure is safe. People must avoid inhaling the toxic dust.

Most asbestos-related diseases arise only after many years of regular exposure. An extremely intense short-term exposure also heightens the risk of disease later in life.

For example, a history of working with insulation products in the 1950s or 1960s is a major risk factor. Even if the work involved only a little exposure at a time. A few months of this would add up to a lot of inhaled asbestos dust.

Most cases of asbestos cancer and asbestosis trace back to this type of occupational asbestos exposure.

Family members were often exposed to asbestos dust brought home by workers on their clothes. This is known as secondhand asbestos exposure. It has been linked to many deaths.

After regulations in the 1970s and 1980s, long-term asbestos exposure became less of an issue in America. However, symptoms of asbestos diseases take decades to show up. For example, symptoms of mesothelioma appear 20 to 60 years after exposure. 

In addition, a single event can cause an extreme amount of asbestos exposure. The destruction of the Twin Towers in New York on 9/11 created an enormous cloud of toxic dust. Residents and rescue workers exposed to it have an elevated risk of developing cancer.

How Bad Is One-Time Exposure to Asbestos?

Usually, one-time asbestos exposure isn’t a major risk. However, it can be in rare cases with toxic dust. Typically, asbestos diseases arise from long-term exposure at work.

If you were exposed to asbestos for one day, the health risk depends on how much dust you inhaled.

  • Was the asbestos-containing product damaged or crumbly?
  • Was it scraped, smashed, drilled or sawed?
  • Was the area poorly ventilated?

If the answer is yes, and you did not take safety precautions, then you likely inhaled a substantial amount of asbestos dust.

Asbestos exposure will not have any immediate impact on your health. Make sure your doctors are aware of the event, so it is in your medical history. Avoid any further asbestos exposure in the future.

It’s not uncommon for homeowners to find asbestos products after renovations. Thankfully, the risk it poses is low if your house was built after the 1980s. Homes built before that period often contained asbestos.

In many places, trace amounts of asbestos are already in the air. In the countryside, it comes from the erosion of rock formations. In urban areas, it comes from ongoing demolition and construction work.

Light, brief exposure to asbestos usually doesn’t make people sick. One careless renovation won’t increase your risk by much. Still, it’s vital to learn and avoid repeating the mistake.

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Risk Factors for Asbestos-Related Diseases

Several risk factors affect the odds of getting sick from asbestos.

  • Dose of Asbestos: The worst exposure happens when the air is visibly cloudy with raw asbestos fibers.
  • Duration of Exposure: Working or living in a contaminated environment for months or years is a major risk factor.
  • Type of Asbestos: Common white asbestos (chrysotile) is confirmed to be dangerous. However, the other types of asbestos are suspected to be even worse.
  • Genetics: Not all people with heavy asbestos exposure develop a related illness. Researchers believe certain genetic mutations may also play a role.
  • Smoking History: Cigarette smoke and asbestos have a combined effect. They increase the risk of lung cancer.

Asbestos workers who smoke are at higher risk for lung cancer. However, smoking does not increase the risk of mesothelioma.

How long after exposure to asbestos do symptoms appear?

Diseases from asbestos exposure often take over 20 years to develop. They start with symptoms that gradually appear and may resemble a cold.

Can short-term asbestos exposure cause mesothelioma?

Short-term exposure to asbestos dust can lead to mesothelioma and other forms of cancer. But unless the exposure is intense, the risk of cancer from short-term exposure is low.

How to Protect Yourself from Asbestos Exposure

To avoid asbestos exposure, it’s important to know which products contained it. If you’re unsure, you should seek professional help to identify the material. If it’s asbestos and poses a danger, a professional should remove it.

Occupational asbestos exposure is still a hazard for many American workers. Demolition workers and firefighters may be exposed to asbestos in old buildings. Mechanics may be exposed to asbestos in vehicle and machine parts imported from overseas.

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