Guide to Asbestos in the Home
Written by Michelle Whitmer | Edited By Walter Pacheco
Homes built before the 1980s could expose homeowners, their families and others to asbestos. It may hide in cement, floor tiles, insulation, walls and pipes. Our Guide to Asbestos in the Home can help protect you and others from exposure.
If you’re doing work on your home, like taking down walls or replacing floor tiles, take caution. You could contaminate the air with toxic asbestos fibers.
Our Guide to Asbestos in the Home explains asbestos and its dangers. It explains what to do if you suspect asbestos is in your home. It covers the dos and don’ts of handling asbestos. Finally, it provides other tips to keep your family and others safe in your home.
Is Asbestos in Your House Dangerous?

Asbestos is a mineral made of thin fibers. It is in some residential construction products. When damaged, those products release the fibers into the air. Asbestos fibers pose a danger to anyone who inhales them.
After years of exposure to those fibers, people may get mesothelioma. This cancer forms tumors on the lining of the lungs, abdomen or heart.
Where Can Asbestos Be Found in Your House?
In an older home, asbestos may be in the paint, insulation and floor tiles. Many U.S. homes and public buildings built before the 1980s, such as schools and office buildings, contain asbestos. The following products may contain asbestos.
- Cement asbestos board siding/undersheeting
- Asbestos roofing felt for shingles
- Asbestos insulation around steam pipes
- Some vinyl floor tiles
- Textured paint
- Asbestos-containing vermiculite insulation
American manufacturers phased out asbestos, but imported materials may contain it. Imported roofing, siding and caulking have contained asbestos.
Common Exposure Scenarios
Asbestos exposure in your home can happen in a few ways. Examples include DIY renovation, drilling through drywall or replacing an old pipe. The following scenarios depict how exposure occurs at home.

Attic Renovation
While remodeling the attic of his 1960s home, John found piles of brown pebble-like insulation. He decided to replace the old insulation with new fiberglass. This would save money in the winter months. He scooped the loose insulation into some garbage bags and installed the new material.
John had no idea that his attic was insulated with asbestos-containing vermiculite. By disturbing the material, he spread asbestos fibers in the air. John should have left the insulation alone and had it tested for asbestos before disturbing it.

Brake Dust in Home Garage
Ralph loves working on his 1965 Corvette Stingray. When his brakes started to squeal, Ralph wanted to replace them in his own garage. After removing the rear tires, he saw the brake drums were covered in dust. He banged the sides with a hammer and blew off the dust with an air compressor.
Some brake components contain asbestos. Spraying them with compressed air can release toxic fibers into the air. Ralph should have taken his car to the shop for service. Auto shops have expensive tools that prevent exposure.

Drilling into Asbestos in Drywall
Erica and Frank decided to renovate their home by removing part of a wall to open up their kitchen. They used tools to cut and remove the drywall, which generated a lot of dust.
They did not know the home was built with asbestos-containing drywall. When they took down the wall, asbestos fibers from the drywall escaped into the home. Testing for asbestos in older homes is vital before starting renovations.

Removing Vinyl Floor Tiles
Herman just bought a 1950s fixer-upper in his hometown. His first project was to upgrade the master bathroom. He decided to start by removing the vinyl floor tile. He removed the existing tiles with a scraper and installed the new tile.
Asbestos was a common ingredient in vinyl floor tiles in the 1950s. Using a scraper to remove the old flooring can release dangerous asbestos fibers. Herman could have installed the new tile over it.

Popcorn Ceiling Removal
Janine was tired of the popcorn texture on the ceilings in her home. She decided to scrape it off and repaint it with a smooth finish. After putting on eye protection and a dust mask, she grabbed her ladder and got to work. After lots of scraping, a little sanding and some careful painting, she was finally done.
Many textured ceiling finishes, including popcorn ceilings, have concealed asbestos. Scraping off the popcorn finish released tiny asbestos fibers. They easily got past Janine’s dust mask. She should have hired professionals to test for asbestos and remove it.

Cutting Insulation on Pipes
When fixing up the basement of his late-1800s Victorian home, Brent noticed the insulation around some of the hot water pipes was starting to deteriorate. To keep heat efficiency, he cut the old insulation with a utility knife. Then, he replaced it with new fiberglass insulation.
Brent should have known that many old plumbing systems have asbestos insulation. The insulation may have posed an exposure risk before he started the project. But cutting the damaged material released even more fibers into the air. Brent should have hired an asbestos professional to seal the insulation.

Learn the key evidence and steps to identify the source of your asbestos exposure.
Get My RecordingWhat Can I Do About Asbestos in My Home?
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recommends testing your home for asbestos if the building materials are damaged or you plan on disturbing them. Testing is recommended if you have damaged drywall or insulation. It’s also needed if you’re planning to remodel.
Disturbing these materials can release asbestos fibers into the air. Generally, you can’t tell which materials contain asbestos unless they’re labeled. If the building materials are in good condition or if you’re not planning a home remodel, testing is generally not required.

If you find something in your home that you suspect is asbestos, don’t touch it. Even if the material is in good condition, the best option is to leave it alone.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, if the material appears damaged or future activities could disturb it, contact a trained and accredited asbestos professional. Limit access to the area until a professional can confirm the presence of asbestos.
To avoid asbestos exposure, learn about the asbestos materials in your home. This includes their locations and their condition.
How Can I Tell if a Material in My House Is Asbestos?
It’s extremely difficult to identify asbestos just by looking at it, so you need to send samples to a lab for testing.
It is not recommended to collect samples yourself. It’s safer to hire a trained asbestos professional for the job. They know what products to test and how to collect samples.
Search for “asbestos inspection” online to find a licensed expert in your area. The U.S. Department of Commerce offers a list of accredited asbestos laboratories online.
What Does Asbestos Look Like?
Asbestos ore in its natural form may appear in a range of colors, including white, green, blue and brown. When asbestos is processed it breaks down into fluffy fibers.
Asbestos in household products is hard to spot by sight. But you may see asbestos fibers in damaged materials that contain asbestos.
When damaged, asbestos materials may show small, fuzzy fibers. They may look like frayed fabric. However, seeing fibers protruding from a product does not mean it contains asbestos. Only testing can confirm the presence of asbestos.
How Much Asbestos Exposure Is Harmful?
In general, it takes a lot of repeated exposure to asbestos for related conditions to develop. It is rare for someone to get sick from asbestos products in their home, but it is possible.
Most people with asbestos-related diseases were exposed to asbestos at work for years. About 20% of heavily exposed asbestos workers end up developing a related condition.
Still, heavy, short-term asbestos exposures have been known to cause disease. According to a National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health report on asbestos, “No evidence of a threshold or safe level of exposure has been found.”
Asbestos Safety Dos and Don’ts
If you own an older home, take every precaution to avoid damaging materials that may contain asbestos.
- Avoid any contact with dangerous asbestos materials.
- Take every precaution not to damage any materials that may contain asbestos.
- Talk to your home inspector or real estate agent about any known asbestos risks in your home.
- Only hire trained professionals for asbestos inspections, testing, repairs or removal.
- If you plan to demolish a building, contact your local or state regulatory agency.
- Don’t saw, sand, scrape, drill or disturb materials that may contain asbestos.
- Don’t sweep, vacuum or dust debris that may contain asbestos.
- Don’t collect asbestos samples for testing without proper training.
- Don’t perform any work on or near asbestos materials unless you’re trained and certified.
- Don’t remove asbestos unless repair or concealment is impossible, and there’s a high risk for exposure.
- Don’t dispose of asbestos materials with normal household waste.
Even if a repair seems minor, you should hire a professional when asbestos may be present. Improper handling of safely managed asbestos can create a new risk of exposure.
How Do I Get Tested for Possible Exposure to Asbestos?
If you are concerned that you were exposed to asbestos, start by talking to your primary care physician. Tests can show asbestos fibers in lung tissue, lung fluid, urine, stool and mucus. They aren’t used because they can’t predict who will develop a disease.
There are tests to detect asbestos-related diseases. Your doctor can order scans that show signs of asbestos-related disease.
Asbestos-related conditions are hard to detect. Not all primary care doctors have the tools and experience to diagnose them.
If you know for certain that you were exposed to asbestos, it is a good idea to seek annual screenings from a qualified lung specialist such as an occupational pulmonologist. Most asbestos-related diseases are diagnosed at least 15 years after exposure.
How Much Does Asbestos Testing Cost?
The most common testing method, Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM), can range from $20 to $100 per sample. Some labs use Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), which is more expensive and more accurate.
The cost of asbestos testing varies depending on the number of samples tested and the methods used.

DIY test kits require you to mail samples to an accredited lab. They may charge an additional fee, typically around $40, for analysis.
However, collecting samples can create exposure risks. It’s best to hire a certified professional. The total cost of labor can run between $350 and $600. It offers peace of mind that the job will be safely completed.
What Happens if I Violate Asbestos Laws?
Any activity involving asbestos must follow U.S. EPA regulations and state asbestos laws. Some asbestos violations result in written warnings.
Others can bring criminal charges and prison time for violations. Depending on the severity of the infraction, daily civil penalties can reach $25,000.