The Mesothelioma Center Blog – Page 7
Peritoneal MesotheliomaSince her peritoneal mesothelioma diagnosis in 2014, Raeleen Minchuk Prokopetz is focused on staying active a decade later. “I go walking every day. I have two dogs that are more than 100 lbs. and they have to get out. I’m very active. A lot of people don’t even believe it when I tell them I’m a cancer patient,” Raeleen said.
Peritoneal Mesothelioma
Advice, Challenges and Support: Nearing 10-Years of Survival
Raeleen is a 10-year survivor. She was diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma when she was only 36 years old. “The day that I was told I was going to die I was 36 years old and a mother,” Raeleen told us. Now she's sharing some advice for other survivors on the same journey as herself. -
Health & Wellness
How Martial Arts Helped Me Manage Appointment Anxiety
When faced with mesothelioma, we have so many new realities in our lives. Things we have to do that we don’t want to do. -
Awareness & Research
Asbestos vs. Cellulose: What’s the Difference?
When encountering home insulation during DIY projects, it’s important to know what you could be exposed to in the process. Asbestos insulation and cellulose… -
Health & Wellness
Webinar: Managing Mesothelioma Symptoms and Side Effects
Join The Mesothelioma Center on May 14, 2024 at 8 p.m. ET to participate in an exclusive, free webinar for survivors, caregivers and families. -
Peritoneal Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma Survivor Is Thankful for His Support System
Just one year after his mesothelioma diagnosis and two major surgeries, Shaun says he has a great support system. He's also sharing some advice for others who are on their own mesothelioma journey. “You’ve got to have hope and you need to have strength and know that it’s not the end as long as you believe it’s not the end,” he said. -
Cancer & Caregiving
Creating a System for Managing Medications
One of the realities of mesothelioma treatment is the need to manage medications. Depending on the type of treatment a person has recently had… -
Peritoneal Mesothelioma
Survivor Shares How Mesothelioma Impacts His Diet
One year after his diagnosis Shaun is sharing how his diet has changed. “The hardest is eating healthy at night after working all day. I try to narrow it down to something healthy, but sometimes that doesn't work. Overall I’ve done pretty good when it comes to nutrition after mesothelioma treatment,” Shaun shared. -
Late-Stage Mesothelioma
9-Year Peritoneal Mesothelioma Survivor Beating the Odds
Raeleen's symptoms started with abdominal pain. One month after a CT scan she was diagnosed with stage 3 peritoneal mesothelioma. After nearly a decade with mesothelioma, Raeleen is excited to share, "I'm a grandma now." It’s amazing!" -
Stories from Survivors
Returning to Work Quickly After Mesothelioma Surgery
Just one year after his diagnosis and surgery, Shaun returned to his physically demanding job. “I’m moving along pretty well,” Shaun shared. “I have good people I work around and they understand there are certain things that I can’t do to because of the risk of hurting myself. But I work with some good people and they look out for me.”