The Mesothelioma Center Blog – Page 41
Late-Stage MesotheliomaRaeleen’s Facebook page sums up the mesothelioma survivor’s courage and chutzpah: Team KickAss Raeleen’s Journey. The 37-year-old from Yorkton in Saskatchewan, Canada, turned…
Health & Wellness
3 Unique Pressure Points That Reduce Cancer Symptoms
Some people perform better under pressure. It turns out that a little bit of pressure may help relieve certain cancer symptoms and treatment… -
Health & Wellness
Remarkable Healing Power of Reiki as Cancer Treatment
Ask the majority of people what they fear most and the answer will be cancer. That’s hardly surprising since this prevalent disease is responsible… -
Pleural Mesothelioma
Amazing Power of Prayer, Support Boosts Man’s Survival
Update: Brian’s family informed us that Brian lost his battle with mesothelioma on Aug. 2, 2015. He was 54. His family hopes his story… -
Pleural Mesothelioma
Extraordinary Grandmother Nears 10-Year Survival
Sandy Mulcahey does more with one lung, a missing rib and a rebuilt diaphragm than most who still have all their original parts. Malignant… -
Health & Wellness
5 Diseases You Should Know Are Caused by Asbestos Exposure
During Asbestos Awareness Week, we put a spotlight on asbestos exposure and what can happen if someone is overexposed. Often, the more serious and… -
Health & Wellness
Marinol Pills: Side Effects & Uses for Chemotherapy
As the debate over the legalization of marijuana continues across the country, it shines a light on Marinol pills, an FDA-approved synthetic version of… -
Health & Wellness
Is the Asbestos in Our Drinking Water Dangerous?
Lately, I’ve been complaining about three things: The taste of tap water where I live, money I spend on bottled water and the unnecessary… -
Late-Stage Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma Survivor Holds Promise of Cure Through Clinical Trials
Pleural mesothelioma survivor Jack Riordan sounds a lot more worried about those around him — his caregiver wife, children, grandchildren and other patients — than he… -
Health & Wellness
Mesothelioma Survivor Struggles to Celebrate Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Day is approaching, and I’m already looking forward to feasting on honey baked ham, fried turkey with all the trimmings, cakes, pies and…