The Mesothelioma Center Blog – Page 13
Stories from SurvivorsJerry explains the origin of his asbestosis diagnosis and the hazardous assignment he was given after entering the Navy while on an aircraft carrier. He also goes into detail about his search for answers concerning his condition after hitting several roadblocks.
Pleural Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma Survivor, a Navy Veteran, Defies the Odds
Bob continues to beat the odds after being diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma in 2019. He credits his four grandchildren as being one of his inspirations as well as the Patient Advocates at The Mesothelioma Center for their help. -
Treatment & Doctors
Webinar Recap: Immunotherapy for Mesothelioma
The Mesothelioma Center’s latest webinar on immunotherapy explored how the treatment works, who makes a good candidate and a wealth of other topics. You… -
The Inspiring Spirit of Mesothelioma Survivor Carla Fasolo
Carla shares how she was initially exposed to asbestos which later caused her pleural mesothelioma diagnosis. She also explains how important loved ones are during a mesothelioma journey. -
Pleural Mesothelioma
Nurse and Survivor: Overcoming Breast Cancer and Mesothelioma
Kim explains how she has overcome both breast cancer and pleural mesothelioma. She also talks about how she was exposed to asbestos at a young age and living life to the fullest. -
Awareness & Research
Asbestos Awareness and Prevention Conference Set for Sept. 9
Thirty experts from around the world, along with medical professionals, mesothelioma advocates and survivors, will be among the many people taking part in… -
Treatment & Doctors
Webinar: Latest Immunotherapy Developments for Mesothelioma
On Thursday, Aug. 17, at 8 p.m. EDT, The Mesothelioma Center will host a free online Q&A and presentation spotlighting the latest developments in… -
Mesothelioma Survivor Named NCCS Elevate Ambassador
Tamron Little was diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma at the age of 21, just after delivering her first child. Sixteen years later, after surviving… -
Health & Wellness
10 Ways to Relax That Help Mesothelioma Patients’ Overall Health
National Relaxation Day falls on August 15 each year. It’s an opportunity to focus on the importance of engaging in relaxing activities. Most people… -
Health & Wellness
Finding Your New Normal in Mesothelioma Remission
Advances in mesothelioma treatment are showing significant promise in helping more patients achieve remission. It’s certainly good news that more people are living longer…