The Mesothelioma Center Blog – Page 12
Cancer & CaregivingBeing diagnosed with a rare and deadly illness is certainly a life-altering event. Having someone you can rely on during this difficult time can…
How We Help: Mesothelioma Awareness Day 2023
Every year, on Sept. 26, The Mesothelioma Center takes time to raise awareness of mesothelioma and its impact. This year, we are doing… -
What I Learned From the 2023 ADAO Asbestos Conference
The Mesothelioma Center’s Sean Marchese attended the 2023 Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization’s 18th Annual Asbestos Awareness and Prevention Conference in Washington, D.C. This is… -
Legislation & Litigation
Asbestos Legal Claims: A Q&A With Meirowitz and Wasserberg
Mesothelioma lawyers at national firms know the ins and outs of dealing with asbestos claims. Samuel Meirowitz and Daniel Wasserberg have helped recover… -
Cancer & Caregiving
Caregiver Blog: Supporting Your Spouse With Mesothelioma
Life can often take an unexpected turn, altering our paths and challenging us beyond imagination. Anthony Fasolo’s journey as a caregiver to his… -
Pleural Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma Survivor Shares His Lung Removal Surgery Story
Michael shares his personal surgery story soon after being diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma in 2015. He explains how he felt physically after the procedure and offers some tips for other survivors who may be on a similar journey. -
Health & Wellness
10 Health Tips From a Mesothelioma Survivor
Michael Cole is a long-time pleural mesothelioma survivor and cancer advocate. Cole was diagnosed with mesothelioma in April 2015. Now he spends his time… -
Health & Wellness
Top Tips for Virtual Therapy for Mesothelioma
As a mesothelioma support group facilitator and an oncology psychotherapist for more than 25 years, I’ve helped many patients and caregivers find therapists. They’ve… -
Asbestos.com Announces Miles for Meso Platinum Sponsorship
This year marks the 15th annual Alton Miles for Meso 5K Run and 3K Fun Run/Walk in Alton, Illinois. The event occurs in person… -
Health & Wellness
Aspartame Concerns: 5 Tips for Reducing Sweets Safely
Nutrition is key for mesothelioma patients. Weight loss and limited appetite are common side effects of primary mesothelioma treatments. Finding foods you enjoy and…