Health & Wellness – Page 7
Health & WellnessOur nightly news and media feeds have been filled with stories, videos and pictures chronicling the Russian invasion and resistance fighting in the Ukraine.
Health & Wellness
Mesothelioma Patients Can Benefit from an Allergen-Free Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving this year might be a little busier than last with travel restrictions easing. For those with mesothelioma, this can make preparing for… -
Health & Wellness
Vitamin D: A Beneficial Ingredient in a Mesothelioma Diet
Vitamin D has long been known as an important nutrient for our health. Unlike any other vitamin, our bodies can create vitamin D from… -
Health & Wellness
Stress Management Tips from a 14-Year Mesothelioma Survivor
Stress is definitely a word that is heard every day – sometimes multiple times a day. A cancer diagnosis is stressful for patients and… -
Health & Wellness
Why Every Mesothelioma Patient Should Prioritize Their Mental Health
How are you doing? No, really. How are you doing? I’m sure in your mind you’re saying, “Oh, I’m fine.” But are you really… -
Health & Wellness
Springtime Smoothies: A Nutritional Boost for Mesothelioma Patients
Spring is here, and that means an abundance of fresh fruits and greens will be filling your farmers markets and grocery stores. Depending on… -
Health & Wellness
Nutrition and Mesothelioma: Adding Whole Grains to Your Diet
Maintaining a healthy diet is crucial for mesothelioma patients and others with cancer. We know fruits and vegetables are important components, but what about whole… -
Health & Wellness
Emotional Support for Mesothelioma Patients Takes New Direction
People in the mesothelioma community usually hear about various emotional support options during visits with their cancer treatment team. Doctors commonly treat patients… -
Health & Wellness
Mesothelioma Patients Face Tough Decisions This Holiday Season
With the 2020 holiday season well underway, many folks are not just considering which pies to bake or how they might deck their halls. -
Health & Wellness
Managing Uncertainty: Coping with Mesothelioma in a Pandemic
Why do so many people struggle with uncertainty? Perhaps it is comforting to believe that we know what is coming around the next bend…