Health & Wellness – Page 4
Health & WellnessWhile asbestos is a known cause for adult diseases such as mesothelioma, could the toxic mineral affect a fetus? Reports from the Centers for…
Health & Wellness
4 Signs Mesothelioma Was Impacting My Mental Health
If you’ve read any of my previous blogs or heard me speak, you’ve probably heard me say: “I didn’t know I needed therapy until… -
Health & Wellness
Webinar Recap: Mental Health and Mesothelioma
The Mesothelioma Center’s most recent webinar featured Dana Nolan, MS, LMHC, a mental health counselor, and 2 mesothelioma survivors. Together, they discussed effective strategies… -
Health & Wellness
Can Magnesium Help Lower the Risk of Mesothelioma?
Magnesium is an important mineral that plays a role in hundreds of enzyme systems in the body, including repairing DNA. Damaged DNA from asbestos… -
Health & Wellness
Free Webinar: Mental Health and Mesothelioma
Join The Mesothelioma Center on Feb. 27 at 8 p.m. ET to learn effective ways survivors and families can manage mental health and mesothelioma. -
Health & Wellness
Webinar Recap: Exercise for Mesothelioma
Exercise is vital to overall wellness, health and recovery for mesothelioma survivors. Mesothelioma compromises the respiratory system, breathing function and abdominal muscles. Prehabilitation is… -
Health & Wellness
Managing Your Diabetes and Mesothelioma Together
When you have diabetes, managing your blood sugar is a challenge in itself. But add to that a diagnosis of mesothelioma and the challenge… -
Health & Wellness
Webinar: What to Know About Exercising With Mesothelioma
Join The Mesothelioma Center on Dec. 6 at 8 p.m. ET to learn how you can exercise safely before, during and after mesothelioma… -
Health & Wellness
Part 2: Can Medicinal Plants Safely Help With Anxiety?
This is Part 2 of a two-part series looking at ways to help mesothelioma survivors manage their anxiety symptoms. Part 1 explores medication options… -
Health & Wellness
Part 1: Can Medication Help Mesothelioma Survivors With Anxiety?
This is Part 1 of a two-part series looking at ways to help mesothelioma survivors manage anxiety symptoms. Part 2 explores complementary medicine approaches.