Health & Wellness – Page 10
Health & WellnessAs the debate over the legalization of marijuana continues across the country, it shines a light on Marinol pills, an FDA-approved synthetic version of…
Health & Wellness
Is the Asbestos in Our Drinking Water Dangerous?
Lately, I’ve been complaining about three things: The taste of tap water where I live, money I spend on bottled water and the unnecessary… -
Health & Wellness
Cancer Survivor Struggles to Celebrate Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Day is approaching, and I’m already looking forward to feasting on honey baked ham, fried turkey with all the trimmings, cakes, pies and… -
Health & Wellness
‘God, Where Are You?’ How My Faith Helped Me Survive Mesothelioma
I was raised in the Baptist church and have always believed in God, which was why I couldn't understand why I was cursed with cancer. I attended church on a regular basis, tried to be a good Christian;… -
Health & Wellness
Jin Shin Jyutsu: A Mesothelioma Patient’s Experience
Ten years ago, Mary Morvant went on a spa trip with a friend. The friend was battling constant back pain and planned regular trips…