Awareness & Research – Page 4
Awareness & ResearchImagine working in a cloud of toxic mineral fibers that can lodge in your lung tissue permanently. It doesn’t cause any immediate symptoms, so…
Awareness & Research
Meet the Group with Highest Mesothelioma Mortality Rate in the World
The Karijini National Park in Western Australia is a natural wonder. Sprawled over 193,000 square miles of the Hamersley Range deep in the… -
Awareness & Research
How to Stay Safe from Asbestos After a Fire
House fires are heartbreaking. Flames not only destroy personal possessions, but the lives of people who once filled the home. It only takes a… -
Awareness & Research
Asbestos in Australian Homes, Drinking Water a Concern
One could describe asbestos as an unrelenting monster. About 125 million people in the world are exposed to asbestos at the workplace… -
Awareness & Research
Does Asbestos Accumulate in the Food Chain?
Bioaccumulation is a hazard with many toxic substances, but not so much with asbestos. Certain dangerous chemicals can make their way up the food… -
Awareness & Research
Lucy Streatfield: Pioneer in Asbestos Exposure Awareness
One of the first people to sound the alarm on the dangers of asbestos was a female factory inspector from the United Kingdom. -
Awareness & Research
5 Places You Wouldn’t Expect to Find Asbestos
This week marks the 14th annual Global Asbestos Awareness Week. This year, the campaign focuses on banning asbestos, preventing exposure, enforcing regulations and… -
Awareness & Research
A Century of Asbestos in American Popular Culture
An early episode of “The Simpsons” exploited an ongoing public health crisis — asbestos in classrooms — for comedic effect in a school… -
Awareness & Research
The Rise & Fall (and Legacy) of Asbestos Comic Book Villains
As a comic book fan and proud nerd, I’ve always believed the key to a great superhero is an even greater villain. Without the… -
Awareness & Research
Community Observes Mesothelioma Awareness Day 2016
For one day of the year, people around the world gather to celebrate the lives of mesothelioma survivors, caregivers and those taken from us…