Working With Our Home Health & Hospice Partners

Mesothelioma care requires vast support, including home health and hospice resources. These services include at-home, companion, palliative and hospice care providers. The Mesothelioma Center at builds and nurtures a network of these partners. By doing so, we have become a trusted source for doctors and hospitals who seek providers for their patients.

We strive to improve the quality of care and support to those in need of end-of-life care. We also work with patients who reach out to us. These partnerships create links between providers and the patients who need their services.

graphic illustrating how the home health and hospice network works at the Mesothelioma Center

We are a nationwide advocacy organization that aids providers and patients seeking local community resources. Our reach means we connect patients with partners and services across the U.S.

Everyone benefits from the ties we create between patients and local organizations. We aim to make it easier for individuals to access the support and care they need.

Meet Our Home Health & Hospice Team

Amy Pelegrin is invaluable in helping families facing cancer. She provides patients and families with needed resources as a hospice care specialist. Amy helps patients find doctors and talks to them about hospice care. She also meets with hospice and palliative care agents nationwide. Amy’s experience allows patients and families to find the best local hospice provider.

Meet Our Partners

Vitas Healthcare

  • Serves an average of 21,000 patients
  • Locations across 15 states and District of Columbia
  • Coverage includes hospice care, nurse and physician visits, therapy, medication and more

BrightStar Care

  • A registered nurse oversees all client care plans
  • More than 360 Joint Commission-accredited locations across the nation
  • Serves about 75% of the U.S. population

How We Help Our Partners

These testimonials from our partners show how the Home Health & Hospice Team at The Mesothelioma Center at partners with reputable organizations to provide much-needed services.

BrightStar Care is excited about working with the Home Health & Hospice Team at The Mesothelioma Center at The relationship development process was very efficient. A few calls with Amy Pelegrin and her team provided both of us with an understanding of our individual needs and available services. Amy’s team provided useful marketing materials and were readily available for field training sessions.
David Simic
Vice President, Strategic Partnership, BrightStar Care

How We Help Patients

We know the importance of providing patients and their loved ones access to quality palliative, home health and hospice care. This type of care is essential, but finding organizations and providers can be challenging. Many are unfamiliar with their communities’ local resources. 

Our services help patients, caregivers and families navigate the health care system. We work closely with our providers and partners to ensure patients receive high-quality care. Our goal is that every patient’s needs and preferences are met.

Complimentary concierge services we provide include:
  • 200-page packet and books on mesothelioma
  • Financial assistance (benefits and help with insurance)
  • Home health care provider locator
  • Hospice facility locator
  • Legal assistance
  • Palliative care physician locator
  • Support group

The two primary methods we use to connect with patients are referrals from doctors and direct contact through our website. Many family members reach out on behalf of loved ones with rare cancers like mesothelioma

Once we receive a referral or a patient inquiry, we provide information packets and start the conversation. In this way we can understand their unique needs and requirements. These talks allow us to tailor our services to the individual. We work closely with our partners to ensure patients receive the best and most appropriate care.

Working With Our Medical Partners

We strive to provide comprehensive support to our network of medical professionals. By taking on some of this work, our partners can focus on vital aspects of patient care. In this way, we simplify the process for nurses, social workers, patient navigators, doctors, administrators and others.

One of the ways we help our medical partners is by vetting top hospice facilities, companion care and home health care providers. A rigorous screening process and high standards allow us to identify the best providers in each community. Our medical partners can trust the providers we recommend. They know their patients will receive the best possible care.

doctor and patient holding hands

We also help our medical partners ensure that their patients have a place in the best facility for their needs. In some cases, the best option is for someone to come to their home. For providers, this process can be time-consuming. It involves hours of research, phone calls and paperwork. 

By connecting patients to the best facilities and services, we give back essential time to our medical partners. This collaborative approach allows us to work together to improve the quality of life for patients and their families while reducing the burden on health care providers.