Mesothelioma Resources & Charities
Mesothelioma resources are available across the U.S. for patients and their families. Some mesothelioma resources are available online while others are available in-person. Mesothelioma charities help raise awareness, fund new treatment research and many provide services for those diagnosed with this rare cancer.
Families or individuals dealing with the heartbreak of a diagnosis of mesothelioma often are lost about where to go for information. Even if their healthcare provider gave them good resource information when they received the news about their health condition, often times the shock of the information shuts down their ability to listen carefully to any information that follows the news.
This article identifies several leading internet resources which are available to families and individuals to help them understand the disease of mesothelioma and to know about supports available to them.

The Pacific Meso Center
The Pacific Meso Center is a non-profit research institution that is focused on the treatment and prevention of malignant pleural mesothelioma. In 2022, the organization posted updated guidelines on mesothelioma stages, treatment and diagnostic tests.
(888) 996-Meso

The National Cancer Institute (NCI)
NCI is a part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and is the leading federal agency addressing cancer research and education.
(800) 4-CANCER

The National Institutes of Health (NIH)
NIH’s overall mission is to discover additional knowledge about health issues that will result in improved health for all.
(301) 496-4000

The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OHSA)
The purpose of the OHSA (as defined on the OSHA website) is to assure the safety and health of America’s workers by setting and enforcing standards; providing training, outreach, and education; establishing partnerships; and encouraging continual improvement in workplace safety and health.
(800) 321-OSHA

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
The mission of the CDC, as described on their website, is to promote health and quality of life by preventing and controlling disease, injury, and disability.
(800) 232-4636

National Cancer Institute’s Web Page on Clinical Trials
CancerTrials is an arm of the National Cancer Institute and makes available information about what kinds of clinical trials, related to cancer, are going on and provides internet links to the greatest number current clinical trials sponsored by NIH and other research institutions.
(800) 4-CANCER

CancerNet is another branch or section of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) making available a significant variety of precise, trustworthy information related to cancer.
(800) 4-CANCER

The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN)
The NCCN is a non-profit coalition of 21 of the world’s outstanding cancer centers. The mission of this alliance, as defined on their website, is to improve the quality and effectiveness of care provided to patients with cancer.
(215) 690-0300

The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center provides an interdisciplinary approach to disease management and treatment, pain control, and the management of side effects. The site provides reliable resources for finding online information related to cancer.
(800) 525-2225

The MD Anderson Cancer Center
The MD Anderson Canter Center website indicates that their mission is to eliminate cancer.
(877) 434-0135

Moffitt – Mesothelioma Research & Treatment Center
The Mesothelioma Research and Treatment Center is a specialized program of the Department of Thoracic Oncology at Moffitt Cancer Center.
(800) 663-3488

The Cancer Survivors Network (CSN)
The CSN is a part of the American Cancer Society to support survivors and families through the tumultuous times related to cancer treatment and survival.
(800) 227-2345

The Hospice Foundation of America (HFA) – Grief Resource Page
The HFA provides education on the benefits of Hospice for families and persons with terminal illnesses. They provide the locations of Hospices.
(800) 854-3402

The British Lung Foundation
The British Lung Foundation is the only UK charity working for everyone affected by lung disease. They fund world-class research, and are committed to improving treatment, care and support for those affected now and in the future.
(+44) 030000 030 555 is a dedicated online support and resource site for families in the UK who are affected by the asbestos-related cancer. The nonprofit also campaigns for asbestos awareness, providing information and support, from advice on eligible benefits and legal action to everything in between.
(+44) 0800 169 2409

Over the past 25 years, CANHELP has reached out to thousands of people, helping them find and choose the best alternative cancer therapies as well as innovative cancer therapies.
(800) 364-2341 Scholarship
We provide $5,000 in scholarships annually to students who submit the best essays about asbestos or mesothelioma. Each essay is judged by our staff for quality, research and accuracy.
Learn more about our scholarships
(866) 308-0733
Recommended Charities
As a relatively rare disease, mesothelioma does not receive the kind of attention that other cancers do. Unfortunately, a lack of awareness can mean a lack of funding for research to help find a cure. And mesothelioma has no known cure. There are, however, various charities that include mesothelioma among the cancers they help fight.
Many of these charities help raise awareness, which is vital for mesothelioma, a cancer caused by exposure to asbestos, a mineral still being used in everyday products around the world. Many of these charities provide services for patients with other types of cancer, too.
Donations keep these charities in business, allowing them to operate and support cancer patients. Here are some of the top cancer charities that are involved in helping people diagnosed with mesothelioma and involved in finding better treatments or a cure for the disease.

Air Charity Network
The Air charity Network is an aviation service that matches people in need with free flights and travel arrangements to specialized health-care facilities. The organization is a collaboration of seven regional services that cover all 50 states. There also is a Mercy Medical Airlift that coordinates free airline tickets for commercial service that covers more than 600 miles. Passengers must have a financial need and a medical diagnosis that requires treatment at a specialized hospital. And they must be medically stable and able to fly in an unpressurized plane. Pilots generally donate their time and the entire expense of each mission they fly.
(877) 621-7177

American Cancer Society
The American Cancer Society is a community-based, national organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health issue. With millions of supporters, the ACS is helping people stay well and working toward finding cures for all cancers. It is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, but has more than 900 local offices nationwide. Through grass-roots advocacy and high level politics, the ACS works to rally communities and pass laws that can reduce cancer risks. It also helps fund ground-breaking cancer research and pushes for educational efforts to help the cause.
(800) 227-2345

CaringBridge provides a free website to connect those experiencing a serious health issue with family and friends, often making an emotional journey a little easier to navigate. It is run by donors that include authors and website builders from around the country. Easy to navigate, visitors can leave messages, updates and photos. Each day, an estimated 500,000 people are connected through the service. It also includes free online support if any problems arise.
(651) 789-2300

Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation
The Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation is a non-profit group dedicated to finding a cure for mesothelioma. It raises awareness of the disease and advocates for a private/public teamwork approach toward that goal. Founded in 2004, it has awarded research $7.1 million in grants. The organization of researchers, physicians, advocates, patients and family members hosts the annual International Symposium on Malignant Mesothelioma, a comprehensive mesothelioma weekend in the Washington, D.C., area.
(877) 363-6376

Lungevity Foundation
The Lungevity Foundation has a vision: No one ever dies from lung cancer. It goal is finding a cure to the disease, but that will take more time and more money for continued research. The foundation is dedicated to funding lung cancer research. It also focuses on improving lung cancer survival rates, ensuring a higher quality of life for those already suffering from lung cancer and educating others on ways to reduce the risk of developing the disease.
(844) 360-5864

Supportive Care Coalition
The Supportive Care Coalition focuses on improving palliative care, addressing spiritual, emotional and physical needs. Pain and symptom management is of the utmost importance. The Coalition is a nationwide effort of 20 Catholic health organizations, all with similar goals. It advocates bringing cultural changes in the care of those with chronic and life-threatening illnesses.
(503) 216-5376
To help raise awareness of mesothelioma and the dangers of asbestos, request a free awareness wristband from the Mesothelioma Center.